Community (League) Corner

This Page is dedicated to the DC Universe Online community that wish to post their League information. If you have a League and are in need of new members, please post away. Share what your League is about, your requirements, and any helpful information that will help draw more your way. We ask to please be accurate with any information provided and to follow all guidelines and rules in the "Ettiquecy" Page (

Justice League Beyond

Founders: xNighten Gale & Prime Beyond
Created: November, 2011

Founded in November of 2011, JLB is a League based on the universe time-line of "Batman Beyond" with characters inspired by said universe. We're always looking for new players who're dedicated to the game and wish to tackle missions and help others to strive for a richer, better community.

Status: Active
Requirements: Players of Level 30 with Combat Rating of 65+
Currently: We are seeking active players. We're restructuring the League to tailor to Players of our Combat Rating.

xNighten Gale (current CR: 76): Ice Tank/Acrobatics
xHypnotique (current CR: 51): Mental Controller/Acrobatics

Prime Beyond (current CR: 70): Lightning Healer/Flight


More to come

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