
This website (JLBeyond) is a fansite dedicated to the DC Universe Online community. In no way shape or form are we affiliated with SOE, the Developers, or the entities therein. We strive to provide thorough content to the DCUO community and give our highest thoughts on what's going on in the game, as well as the content reviewed.

While we provide such said content, we don't consider ourselves "Super Pros" or experts in the game, only to share our unbiased opinion and views whether it's narrow or not. If it's something we don't now, share it with us; we like to stay in the know and learn like everyone else.

Below are some guidelines for proper ettiquecy when viewing our site, as well as our subsequent content and commenting. All rules are subject to change at any given time.

-Trolling of any sort isn't tolerated at all. Flame Wars or subjective comments that leads to said flaming (flame wars) will be removed with a warning. Persisting the subject matter will net you a block from the JLBeyond Site.

-If the Author of any Blog, Article, or Playthrough posts any misinformation pertaining to DCUO Gaming content, speak about it with proper links, information, and/or quotes from Devs so it can be corrected in a proper manner. Name-calling and belittling said Author(s) will never solve things.

-This Site is more on a "PG-13" content. Please respect this rule, as we do not allow excessive or vulgar language. We wish to respect those who has Families and children that possibly play this game and are gracious to view our content for any information that we provide.

-There is a zero-tolerance on racism and hate speeches. Sodomizing others in a video game based on their political stances, race, spiritual views and/or religion, sex or age is just plain pathetic and bringing it here is not allowed.

-You are more than welcome to post your League information, Youtube Channel, or other helpful content on this site (9-12-2012: a page titled "Community Channel" will launch with the ability to do as such) for the DCUO community. However, we will not accept content that doesn't pertain to anything DCUO-related.

-Be respectful to others on the Site. We don't ask for much from others except to be kind and respect others opinions. If you wish to debate a topic, do so with proper mannerism and not go into insults. Not all will watch this site 24/7 as we do have a life outside of gaming.

-Glitching, Cheating, and Mod conversations that breaks the game and ToS are to be left on proper Sites for such topics. This is a community Blogspot for the legitimate Players of DC Universe Online. Content pertaining to this will be removed and alongside reporting to the proper parties via SOE with evidence. We don't support it and never will, so don't ask.

-This Site is ran by a dedicated Player of the community. There will be community-based Events, in-game Giveaways, and more to follow strictly for the members of this Site. With this....

*No I don't help every Player in the game, as I enjoy this on my own time and interact with the community upon certain terms and availability. Please don't bombard comments with "I'm a level 23 Troll that needs help" because chances are, I just can't guarantee you that I will provide the help you need. However, if you wish for anyone to help you through the game, post away but not directly to me.

*I don't mind helping but please be aware that I won't and don't accept random League invites. I have my own League(s) (JusticexLeaguexBeyond, which was created in November, and CyGirls. See "JLBeyond Leagues" for more information) that I run and have fun with. I don't mind at all affiliating with Leagues on DCUO and I'm more than welcome even to have some fun with anyone in said League but I won't create a character to dedicate to you. I'm always looking for many that wish to join us, if we are accepting.

*I don't care if your League is better than ours. In fact, congrats to your accolades and accomplishments to achieve such status in the game. I won't waste my time to argue which CR (Combat Rating) is higher, who is more efficient, or how babies taste like. The same goes to vice versa, none of our members think at all we are better than you because in the end, we're playing the same game with the same goals: to have fun and learn.

*I will provide Playthroughs and (9-12-2012: in the future) video recordings of in-game progress and such. If you wish to help or share some of your own input, please comment or let me know if and when are you available to help.

If you have any inquiries on how we should improve this Site, please don't hesitate to send me a message to let me know what you like to see or to be implemented. 

-All rules here are subject to change at any given time, without notice.

~xNighten Gale