Friday, September 7, 2012

Game Update 18 Overview


SOE announced Game Update 18e DC Universe Online MMORPG for the Playstation 3 and PC (respectively). Here is a breakdown on some of the new mechanics and what they did to improve the game and what will be the next move for the devs.

Written by xNighten Gale: JLBeyond Founder

Source of the information: DC Universe Forums

DC Universe Online has undergone several changes to accommadate the ever-growing players online as well as the veterans of the game. To do this, SOE has provided a fresh approach on expanding the gameplay of DC Universe while staying on the lines of keeping the game nice and linear. With such updates like three new Powers for the respective Roles (Light-Controller, Earth-Tank, and Electricity-Healer) and a bevy of nerfs and buffs for powers and enemy AI, devs are hard at work on making sure this game doesn't become a stalemate to their audiences.

It isn't to say that the game had some ups and downs, more notably the inability to really provide a much stable ground on pleasing both factions (PvE and PvP Players and Heroes and Villains alike) but that's just an opinionated state of mind for many that yearns for content exclusively for that. Even so, the game presents some issues in regards to gameplay glitches and slight unbalancing issues.

But with Game Update 18, released 9/5/2012, the Developers are retweaking some features in the game and rearranging some modes and features around for a much "easy-to-access" feel to the Players that're Level 30 and are about to step into Tier-tied Missions. What I will be doing from here on out is provide a breakdown on some of the tweaks and updates that they've provided and give my thorough thoughts (from my perspective) on what changed and what to look for. Expect no punches to be pulled but as well as not to look for an "expert" point of view on this.


Mepps has been teasing the DCUO community with a slew of photoshots of gameplay in action for the new "Hands of Fate" DLC with little to no information to work with. Until details drop, we only can wonder whats going in these pictures they are throwing towards us. But it isn't to say that's a bad thing however; with things like this, I don't mind being kept in the dark on certain information, just as longs the overall product is worth while.

As far as the Game update 18 is concerned, it appears it's prepping for the said DLC. But as the subject implies, here are a slew of changes they've made to the game mechanics and such.

Players may notice the following changes:


"Alert, Challenge, and Duo NPCs

-Some Alert NPCs and many Challenge and Duo NPCs learned new tricks! These NPCs now use familiar weapon combos as well as Block. Their attacks may both inflict and be vulnerable to counter attack mechanics such as Blocking, Interrupt and Block Breaking.

-“Match” rank NPCs in Solo and Duo content, such as Circe’s Bestiamorph Rhinos and the Joker’s Wag goons, now have more Health but do less damage. Many will now use familiar weapon combos as well as Block. These attacks may both inflict and be vulnerable to counter attack mechanics such as Blocking, Interrupt and Block Breaking.

-Boss rank, Iconic and occasionally normal match rank NPCs may try to trick you by performing “feint” attacks. They may start a melee combo to make you think you should block but then suddenly perform a block breaking attack. A bright yellow pulse on the sides of the character is your hint that their next attack is really a feint!"

My Thoughts: Buffing the NPCs (enemy AI) is definitely something you'll be getting used to effective immediately. Nothing is over-exaggerated on the statement they made in regards to NPCs now are able to block and make feint attacks: they are much much smarter this time around. This also extends to the Bosses, for they're able to either block your attacks or perform block breaking moves, so having a key strategy on approaching most enemies in the game with this buff is very vital to your gameplay; buttonmashing your way into victory in most missions isn't a great necessity any longer.

For many that will think "this is diffuclt and frustrating" on this approach, I will say I can sympathize on it, but it's not a bad thing what they did here. In fact, none at all, as now this is a fresh approach on how you approach the enemies of lore, like Gorilla Grodd's minions. Before, most enemies only had a few attacks that resembled weapon attacks in the game, like the Staff 5 hit combo for instance, which they would only half-perform said attack. Now their able to perform teh full string, along with feinting their attacks, so knowing when to block and looking for the yellow icon (as what Meeps mentioned above) is key to taking down these enemies. This isn't a hard task; just watch for certain patterns in the enemies moves and you should be great to go.

Bonus Awards
You will now receive a Weekly Award box the first time you complete a Tier 1 through Tier 3 challenge, duo or alert within a week. This award box offers a random level appropriate item as well as additional Marks of Triumph. Using replay badges to unlock the instance will also unlock the weekly award.

Furthermore, Tier 2 and Tier 3 raids will award a Monthly Raid Award box. This box includes a random raid level item and additional Marks of Triumph. Like the Weekly Awards, using replay badges to unlock the raid will also unlock the Monthly Raid Award.

My Thoughts: This is a brilliant move on the Devs part. Bonus awards will offer you (Tier pending) more Marks of Triumphs upon more of what you've collected from your completed mission. While some of the Bonus Awards are pretty cool (again, pending on the Tier mission you've completed), I've mostly received consumables and a Spectre Head piece (Level 30). Not so bad if I wasn't Tier 2 with the character I entered the mission with. But for style, of course, I didn't have to fight with anyone for it, so in a way this eleminates "Ninja Looting" somewhat for certain styles or gear in the game.

But for what it's worth, I truly enjoy this feature and is a great implimication to the game. Kudos!

Challenge Improvements
Challenge modes can now be accessed through the On-Duty menu. The missions associated with challenge modes have been removed and are no longer available. If you still have one of these missions in your journal, they can still be completed normally.

My Thoughts: Upon entering the "On Duty" tab you'll notice how everything has been reorganized for much efficient access. No longer will you have to fly, run or acrobat your way to the Challenge Mission buildings to access the mode, as now they are accessible in the aforementioned tab. Suffice to say, this is very good for the over-abundant traveling to these missions and unaware of the skill rating on them. Most players starting after Level 30 weren't aware of how hard "Cat's Eye" or "To Cage a Bird" really were. With this set up, players can now enter at their own discretion, with the acknowledgement of the difficulty of said mission.
Now whether if you liked to traverse to these missions on your own is upon your preference, but for many of the Mark hunters this is something good.

Completing a Challenge mode will now award a commendation that grants renown. Using this item increases your standing with that group by 125. Faction commendations may also be purchased from the appropriate faction vendor for 25 Marks of Triumph.

My Thoughts: Yay! We can now level up the reknown factor much quicker! sarcastic this may sounds, feat points is always a good thing, as they are the means for building up Skill Points. Now farming will have some merrit. :P

Content Restructuring
Many Challenges, Duos and Alerts have had their difficulty tiers increased in order to offer a smoother progression and a full range of content availability. In addition, a number of new challenge modes are available! These higher tiered instances now offer upgraded loot and level appropriate rewards.

Although the amount of available content at the lower tiers was decreased, the time required to progress through any given tier remains or has been decreased due to adjustments in tier item costs.

My Thoughts: Simply put, more varied missions, more rearranging on some of the harder missions. I can proudly admit that after physically entering Stryker's Island four times, only one time did I complete the mission and the rest I had my fluffy, plump buns handed to by the Inmates. In essence, I dropped the soap.

Now that mission, along with a few, are arranged to Tier 3. To check for which has went to what, just check the list below on which mission is what Tier now. Note, however, that this implies to PvE only. For more information on the mission placements for PvP, refer to your "On-Duty" tab in-game.

1 Player

Challenge Mode: Tier 1

-8th Precinct
-Mannheim's Chinese Theatre
-Meta Research Wing
-Lair of the Spectre
-The Joker's Funhouse


Challenge Mode: Tier 2

-The Greenhouse
-Gotham University Warehouse
-Old Gotham Subway
-Gotham Sewer


Challenge Mode: Tier 3

-East End Regal hotel
-STAR Labs facility
-Circe's Stronghold
-Monarch Playing Card Company

2 Player

Duos-Tier 1

-Gorilla Grodd's Lab
-Gotham University
-Hive Base
-Metropolis City Hall
-OMAC Base


Duos-Tier 2

-Gotham Hospital
-Riverfront Center
-Riverside Hotel


Duos-Tier 3

-Assault: Shady Nightclub
-Cape Carmine Lighthouse
-Ferris Aircraft
-Old Gotham Subway

4 Player

Alerts-Tier 1

-Ace Chemicals
-Watchtower Containment Facility


Alerts-Tier 2

-STAR Labs Research Facility
-HIVE Moon base
-Dan Science's
-Oolong Island
-Outer caverns


Alerts-Tier 3

-South Gotham Courthouse
-Stryker's Island Penitentary
-Coast City
-Arkham Asylum
-League of Assassins Stronghold

8 Player: Everything remains the same. If they changed anything please leave a comment below and let me know so I can change it.


Content Restructuring
Many Challenges, Duos and Alerts have had their difficulty tiers increased in order to offer a smoother progression and a full range of content availability. In addition, a number of new challenge modes are available! These higher tiered instances now offer upgraded loot and level appropriate rewards.

Although the amount of available content at the lower tiers was decreased, the time required to progress through any given tier remains or has been decreased due to adjustments in tier item costs.

Currency Unification
Marks of Distinction, Marks of Momentum and Marks of Krypton will no longer be awarded and can no longer be used to purchase items. All Tier 1 through 3 items are now purchased with Marks of Triumph. Content that used to award Marks of Distinction, Momentum and Krypton now award Marks of Triumph. The number of Marks of Triumphs awarded and the cost to purchase items increases with each tier.

Marks of War are still used to purchase Tier 4 items and are still awarded for success in Tier 4 content.

Tier Items
The purchase of tiered items is now restricted by Combat Rating. The combat rating required to purchase a tiered item is equal to the Combat Rating required to qualify for that content.

My Thoughts: THIS is extremely important for many Players that has collected Mark of Distinctions and Kryptons (as well as Momentums) for sometime now: if you have any of this in your possession convert them ASAP. Doing so will net you some serious Marks to put towards your gear.

My personal opinion, I'm only theorizing that they are releasing more Tier style Gear for PvE but this is just my theory. However, this works pretty well for many who got tired of grinding for Tier 1 marks and then progressively grind at a slower pace for tier's 2 and 3 marks. Now I can understand for Tier 4 (as of now, I'm not in that Tier set yet but check back on this Blog as I discuss my progressions of my Characters) due to how good the Gear set is but this works pretty well for many who were confused a bit on which was what and so-forth.

Some people will complain about how the amount of players jumping from Combat Rating of 30-something to 43 and beyond. Well I can honestly say while this may seem true, this also benefited by characters that I were individually working on, as they now benefit from this change (except for one character). There isn't an expert thought on this because in the end, you can easily obtain alot of marks for Tier 1 armor, as they lowered the Mark cost for all Tier 1 gear set. So you can get a full Tier 1 gear set and acquire 50 Feat points per-full set, making it 150 total for all three which nets you a Skill Point.

However, and the big however, Combat Rating affecting how you buy your gear is a total balance structure that I'm happy to see. This makes looting and farming all the more fun in a way (provided that you're in a good group, otherwise it's a nightmare). So if you want to obtain that sweet Endurance of Atlas (Back piece from the Magic wing area of Watchtower), you better start raising your Combat Rating to 43.


My overall thoughts are this: the hype is surely there. So far I'm in day two of this update and I'm really having fun with this makeup. The plus side of this update is that they've streamlined the Duos and Challenges to meet your play skill, while reminding you to stay on your toes on how you approach the enemies that you've used the same strats before. Combat Rating has more of a better function in this game to acquire new gear, which is pretty good. Rearranging some of the harder missions to a more suitable Tier level is also good for many that couldn't complete certain missions.

On the downside, I'm having a hard time fathoming thoughts as to why said missions were rearranged. For instance, Tier 3 Alerts received League of Assassins mission. After scratching my head several times over as to why this change was made, I figured there might be a good reason for it and just went along with the change. For those who have been in the comfort zone on their approach to these missions of the past will need to invest sometime of adjustment.

While the content reconfiguring really looks promising, some glitches are present and just needs to be attended to. I also personally think they should relieve some of the useless Vendors in the game, example being some of said said Vendors at the Police Stations. If not the Vendor alone, just the gear in there because they prove useless versus you picking up gear along the missions and what the Bosses provide. And finally, I still think they should tweak out the Looting system or do away with it overall but this is something I can discuss seperately in my future article/blog.

So the hype is here but for how long? I've seen many complain about the update but as my saying goes: if you're complaining but you find yourself logging into this game, you're only torturing yourself. There is an easy escape from your reality of said tourture and into the real world and it's all in a simple solution: logout and play another game. :)

-xNighten Gale

-Nighten Gale can be seen on DC Universe Online as her same namesake for the Playstation 3. When not on that character, Ayameko Aska is also seen running amok as a DPS Earth character under the League "Cy Girls".


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